Kingstead - Website Design

kingstead website detail

The Kingstead Website Project is a simple one-page website that showcases the company's values using only a few slides and words. As a cutting-edge web design company in Bangkok, Toneyes has helped build a simple website with an innovative touch by implementing HTML5 animation to the website.The Kingstead Website Project is a simple one-page website that showcases the company's values using only a few slides and words. As a cutting-edge web design company in Bangkok, Toneyes has helped build a simple website with an innovative touch by implementing HTML5 animation to the website.

Project Concept

While the web design concept of Kingstead focuses on simplicity, our team in Toneyes web design company decided to use HTML5 animation to create a better context for the client’s business, which is a private equity firm. While the web design concept of Kingstead focuses on simplicity, our team in Toneyes web design company decided to use HTML5 animation to create a better context for the client’s business, which is a private equity firm. 

By incorporating HTML5 animation in the web design, the Kingstead website can show visitors how the company prioritizes investing in high potential individuals with innovative ideas and vision so they can gain the financial support, connection, and know-how needed to grow their business and survive in the industry they’re in.

What We Have Learned From This Project as a Web Design Agency

As a web design company, we have learned several things from this project. One of the things we learned was how to implement a number of HTML animations on a one-page website. By further specializing and developing our animation compression process, we successfully found a way how to implement many HTML animations on a website. As a result, this not only made the website more attractive but also allow the company to visually explain their vision.

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